1. 教育部昨天(28)舉行「100年度臺灣國際學生創意設計大賽」頒獎典禮,今年首次由數位動畫類拿下年度大獎,8位崑山科技大學學生的動畫作品《吃電怪物》,描述憤怒的北極熊到處破壞耗電的燈泡,希望拯救家園,呼籲大家重視地球暖化問題。這部片子獲得了新臺幣40萬元的獎金。
Yesterday, the Ministry of Education held a ceremony to award the international students’ innovative ideas in design. This is the first time the annual grand award goes to the digital animation category for the animation dubbed “E-Devour Monster,” created by eight students from Kun Shan University. In the animation, hoping to save their land, the agitated polar bears destroy the energy-consuming light bulbs. The animation advocates people from all walks of life to face issues resulting from the global warming. The animation had won 400,000 NT dollars as the price.
2. 我國學生參加國際發明展表現優異,北臺灣科技學院副教授蔡彥欣,3年來就培訓校內上百位國際發明展的金牌得主,昨天(28)他榮獲臺灣國際發明得獎協會頒發的「2011國際傑出發明家名人堂」獎項,這是象徵發明人的最高榮譽。
Students from Taiwan have won impressive awards in the international invention contests. Associate Professor Tsai, Yen-hsing from the Technology and Science Institute of Northern Taiwan has trained hundreds of gold medal winners from his campus in the area of international inventions. Yesterday, Tsai received a special award from the Taiwan International Invention Award Winners Association. This award symbolizes the utmost honor an inventor can obtain.
3. 行政院新聞局長楊永明,昨天(28)到中臺科技大學演講,他表示,國際局勢動盪不安,大學生應該透過報紙的國際財經版等,培養國際觀,提升競爭力,一天至少看一則,對於外國語文也要有一定的掌握及了解,並加強專業領域,做到這些,一輩子都受益。
Yang, Yung-ming, Head of the Government Information Office, made a speech at the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He indicated globally, world affairs are changing all the time. Hence, the local university students should cultivate their cosmopolitan views and elevate their competitive abilities through reading at least one piece of news stories from the international business edition etc. on the newspaper. In addition, they should hold certain capabilities in foreign language(s). Moreover, they need to strengthen their professional knowledge. If students can solidify all the above-mentioned areas, they will benefit from doing so for their entire life.
4. 家扶基金會根據家扶國際聯盟,針對世界44個國家近4,600名貧困兒童所執行的調查結果指出,開發中國家的兒童約有4成3最希望未來可以成為老師及醫生;如果有機會當總統,一半左右的兒童最希望改善教育。顯見藉由教育成為白領階級以脫離貧窮,是這些貧窮國家孩子最大的夢想與期待。
Based on surveys studying nearly 4,600 children living under the poverty level in 44 nations conducted by the Child Fund Alliance, the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families pointed out around 43% of the children living in developing nations hope they can become teachers and doctors in the future. If they are given a chance to be the president of a nation in their lifetime, about 50% of the children surveyed hope they can make improvement in the field of education. Clearly, these poverty-stricken children’s major dreams and expectations are to become the white-collar and rid poverty through education.
5. 澳洲揭露最新省水提案,希望降低墨雷-大令河流域盆地25%的用水。該區面積大約是西班牙和法國的總和,出產澳洲 90%新鮮農產品。澳洲飽受乾旱肆虐超過10年,直到2009年才緩解。這個省水提案,預計可使墨雷-大令流域盆地對抗氣候變遷。但農民大罵這項草案,會摧毀社區並增加糧食價格壓力。
In Australia, a new water reservation proposal hopes to lower 25% of the water application from the Murray-Darling river basin, which covers an area the equivalent of the combination of territories covering Spain and France. The area also produces 90% of the dairy products made in Australia. Drought had hit Australia for more than a decade; the condition mildly ceased in 2009. The proposed water-saving plan will enable the Murray-Darling river basin capable to combat climate change. However, the farmers criticize the proposal severely; they claim such can destroy the local communities and increase the pressure on food price.
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